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Meet the Maker: Words for a Season

Meet the Maker: Words for a Season

We’re continuing our Meet the Maker Series with Abi from Words for a Season. In January, everyone’s talking about resolutions and words of the year, so we’re really excited to introduce you to a maker who focuses on words that encourage! Words for a Season is a hand-lettered temporary tattoo brand we love. With 40+ words and designs to choose from, these temporary tattoos encourage us for a season, and we hope they’ll do the same for you, too!

Hi Abi! Thanks for sharing your story with us today. Can you tell everyone a little about yourself?

My name is Abi and I’m originally from south Louisiana and moved to Dallas 3 1/2 years ago! I have the sweetest rescue pup in the world named Mr. Darcy – if you get the name reference we are instant friends! 😉 I’m also a cheerleader – not in the physical, I could never do the backflips🙃 – but in the way that I love to encourage friends and speak life into your dreams!

We’d take encouraging words over backflips any day! 2020 was a crazy year, but it wasn’t all bad! What was something good that came out of last year for you?

This year has been a wild rollercoaster of emotions and hard events but in everything, I have chosen to find the good and to not lose hope in God’s faithfulness. Something good that has come of it is my focus on slowing down and being even more intentional with others. Also – I got the idea to create an online magazine with my company and launched the first edition in May!

Slowing down can be a great thing for relationships and creativity. Congratulations on the launch of your online magazine! Tell us about your Words for a Season! What do you make and how long have you been doing it?

My business is called “Words for a Season”. I love hand-lettering and have been doing calligraphy and design for over a decade. About four years ago I was entertaining the idea of getting a tattoo but I couldn’t decide on a word that I would want to have permanently on my skin for the rest of my life (which I know is a problem most of us have) and needles freak me out! I decided to combine my love for hand-lettering and my desire to have a tattoo but only temporarily and created a temporary tattoo in my calligraphy. I had several people ask about them and wanted to know if I sold them. After doing my market research and seeing that no one else was doing this, I took the leap and launched, Words for a Season in 2017! The name is both literal and metaphoric; these tattoos will last only temporarily on the skin and words impact and encourage us throughout the different seasons of life.

What a beautiful and unique way to use your talents to encourage others! How has your work evolved over time?

My work has evolved through the years from offering three words in the initial launch to now having over 40+ designs to choose from or the option to create a custom design! In addition, Words for a Season has become a community! I have an Ambassador Team, Blog, and now a seasonal Digital Publication! I’m a lover of words and had always wanted to have an online space where my writings could live but also provide the space for those who may not have a platform or blog but want to share what’s been on their heart as well. I launched my blog in 2019 and decided to create a digital publication called, “Words from this Season” in 2020! I am so honored to have women all around the U.S. sharing their hearts in its pages.

We love that you’re using your brand to encourage and empower other women! What is the most memorable response you’ve had to your work?

Words for a Season is much more than just a temporary tattoo – seeing people’s posts and hearing stories about how they have been encouraged by having that visual reminder has been such a reward. It’s the heartbeat and why behind what I do. Our mission statement is to provide a beautiful way to wear a meaningful word without the commitment of a permanent tattoo. The most memorable response was when an older woman at one of my market shows got the word “strong” – she told me she was going through some health complications and this word was going to encourage her to get through her treatments. It was so touching, I almost teared up putting the temporary tattoo on her. My heart is for this product to truly be a pep-talk for you throughout your week and being able to provide that is such an honor.

It must be so rewarding to know that you’re helping women through tough times and providing the pep talk they need! If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I love to travel! I have allll the plans to visit quaint English towns and stroll through European streets but – right now, I would go back to Banff National Park just outside of Calgary, Canada! It was my first true experience of mountains and it was literally breathtaking. It’s in my top favorites of places I’ve been and I have friends out there who I’d love to see again. We hiked in the Springtime and I would love to go back and visit while it’s a winter wonderland – to ice skate on Lake Louise would be a dream!

That sounds like a dream trip! I hope you’re able to ice skate on Lake Louise sometime soon! Thanks so much for sharing the story of Words for a Season with us! We’re so glad to have you as part of the Mosaic Makers Collective!

Want to learn more about our makers or shop Words for a Season?  Check out these additional resources: 

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